Rewind Aftermath
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What we did

Hey Rewinders!
Boy Oh Boy was that fun or what! I write this note as Bob and I are flying back to our home in California. Seeing how so many people have asked me if the site was going to be around after the party, Know that it is, and I am anxious to publish your pictures and personal stories from the weekend's festivities. I had multiple offers of server space, contributions to support the site, and there are no plans to take it down.

Those pix on display at the Little Kings registration party were a hoot! I saw photos from parties I totally forgot throwing! Bob found the above unwound springy thing at Little Kings on Monday afternoon when the Photo Gallery was being disassembled. Maureen insisted it be included on the site- I could not help but agree.
A Special Thank You

Announcing the Unwound Aftermath Image Gallery
launched to display your stellar party pix

Mike, Allen, and Leslie
There are so many of you I did not see in person, but to my extreme delight, Bob captured with his camera. What a plethora of smiling happy faces! If you took pictures at the party, don't be shy! send them in batches 10Mb or less for inclusion in the Aftermath Gallery

Should you happen upon some tasty deep dish about the soiree while surfing, please send the URL so everybody here sees it too.

Paul and Leslie
Take our Post-Party SURVEY here
•••••••• Unwound DEEPDISH ••••••••
Christine Needham Swint's Athens Now
scroll down page till you see No Respect
Athens Now and Then MUSIC
scroll down till you see Music
Friendly thoughts
Athens GA in USA Today!

Did you get an ATHENS REWIND t-shirt?
Would you like one? They SOLD OUT at the party!
We may have more shirts printed. If you are interested please let us know here. If we do find enough Rewinders want T-Shirts and would be willing to pre-pay, more will be printed!


The Directory is Coming!! More info SOON!

Those who feel moved to write about their Rewind experience, a special Aftermath area is available to share your words.

••••••••Tales of Rewind••••••••

Rewinder Haiku

is a great way to debrief from being at the Party. Write a Haiku for the Aftermath page HERE.
Julie's Broken Foot
Maureen, with Leslie and Kathleen
40 watt Marquee

I am writing on behalf of the Athens Rewind Committee to express our sincere thanks to the Athens community— past and present— for the support, enthusiasm, and warmth we experienced during this event. Thanks to the many friends who offered their help in the form of time, money, manual labor and moral support, without whom the weekend would not have come together as it did. We are especially grateful to Joey Tatum, who not only offered up the Little Kings Club for the weekend, but also graciously handed us the keys all hours of the day and night so we could work on our setup for opening night. Special thanks go out to Velena Vego and Barrie Buck from the 40 Watt Club, who met with us on many occasions prior to the event, offering both their help and fresh ideas about the music, food and venues for the weekend.
We are also grateful to Troy Aubrey and Jeff Montgomery at, Jeff Hannan at LS Designs, and Keith Bennett for their invaluable assistance in preparing for this event. Thanks to Julie Phillips at Athens Banner-Herald and Lee Smith at Flagpole for writing wonderful articles on our event, and to Pete McCommons for his positive attitude following the event. Special thanks also to all the volunteers and to those who contributed photographs, movies, deejay time and performance time.
In short, we were overwhelmed with the kindness and support which emanated from all Athenians involved in Athens Rewind. To everyone who supported us before, during and after the weekend itself, we offer our most sincere gratitude and heartfelt thanks.
Julie House
Athens Rewind President